Well here is my desk. Sheri and her damn memes got me again.
She likes her desk and her cherry blossom arrangement so she took some pics of her desk. Now she wants to see everyone else's desk.
Here it is...I did NOT dust for you.
I did not move the unsightly wires hanging behind the desk because there really isn't anywhere else to put them and if I get down there I'm going to have to sneeze because of all the dust, so just forget it. I took one with a flash and one with out because sometimes things just pop out at you based on the contrast in an image. Besides, it's not like I go walking around with a headlight on my head.

So now let's analyze. Why the fuck not?
I'll take you on a tour. I'll even throw in some commentary to show off my profiling skills (even though I already know who I am, I can still point out stuff as if I didn't).
1. Flat panel screen, remote control on desk, headphones, webcam, digital postage scale, Epson printer (it prints awesome photos but it needs ink)...this is a girl who loves her technology. Pay no attention to that white corded phone, that's for emergency...see the cordless is also on the desk too by the remote control.
2. Giant Cerwin Vega speaker cabinet on the right. If you don't know anything about sound quality, you won't appreciate this, but if you do, then you'll know that someone in this house knows how to please a finely tuned ear. These speakers may be old, but they are the best. They just don't make them like this anymore. The other one is on the other side of the room with the DJ equipment. (I am not the DJ in this house). At any rate, this is someone who is keen on music.
3. See that blue mug with snowflakes on it? Got that at the dollar store. You would think that this person likes a hot cup of coffee...and you would be right, only what you wouldn't know is that I don't use those cups for coffee because they are too big. I don't drink THAT much coffee in one sitting, because it tends to get cold. I use smaller cups and saucers for my coffee and when I'm done I get a second cup. No, these giant mugs are what I use for tea, because THAT I can drink more of faster. Don't ask me why, probably because tea has less caffeine so I can drink more without looking like I have Tourettes. Today's tea of choice is Chai Spice Tea, two sugars and half & half.
4. See that calendar on the wall? It's a picture of Yubeng, China from the Nature Conservancy. If I hadn't shrunk the picture for blogging purposes, you might have noticed that the month is September 2008. That just goes to show you how often I look at that thing. I use Google calendar more often. Even then I still miss appointments. SO if someone has calendars hanging in their house on the wrong month, it's probably safe to say that they have time management issues.
5. Book on the desk: Muffins. Yes, this is a recipe book with nothing but recipes for muffins. The first half of this book has not so exciting stuff in it. Not even really appetizing to be honest, but the last half gets better....the savory muffins sound good and the special occasion muffins too. I would love to make the rose petal muffins for V-day but where the hell do you get rose water and liquid glycerin? So this might suggest a person who likes baking or cooking.
6. Little jewel-colored boxes on the window shelf: containing rubber bands, paper clips and push pins. All this indicates is someone who likes to contain things, be organized and is also a fan of bright colors indicating some artistic nature.
7. White eyelet curtain: this is a chick's doing. Pretty simple really.
8. Feather sticking out of the pen holder. That is a young turkey feather. If you could see the book mark with a Native American dreamcatcher on it sticking in there too, you might deduce that this is someone with an affinity for Native American culture. What you wouldn't know is that when I was around 14, I was a part of a Lakota Sioux coming of age ceremony, called the Buffalo Shield Woman ceremony. It could have been just Buffalo Ceremony, but the Shield indicates that I am also learning enough that I can be entrusted to pass on this tradition to other youngsters as one who will teach them during their ceremony. I have yet had the opportunity to do so. I was doing this with a friend of mine at the time, who is half Lakota Sioux. She now resides in Lake Tahoe, CA and I couldn't be more jealous lol.
9. Wallpaper image on my my screen: some snowy mountains with a lit up town at dusk - probably Aspen or something. Some place I'd like to go to in the winter. This is a person who likes her seasons - winter with winter - summer with summer. Either they really like snow or they are slightly OCD about things matching and being in place.
10. Wedding photo on top of speaker with red toy car displayed in front: this is someone who values their marriage enough to have a picture of it still up but it's not such a serious thing that they can't mix toys with it. Since it isn't displayed somewhere like say, the living room or over a mantle (we don't have a mantle anyway but still) it is obviously not a favorite picture. That's the 3rd party perspective, but the truth is, I like the picture and all but I was pregnant and my husband has lost weight since then - so unlike most people who look better when they get married than currently, I would rather hang up something from now than then. Not to mention we are actually way cooler now than we were then too, so whatever. That's where it is. What you can't see is the Beauty and the Beast human prince doll that I chopped off his hair to look like my husband and the Neon Genesis Evangalion wedding figures that I used for my wedding cakes. LOL yes it was pretty funny. Maybe I'll take a pic of that too. Why not?

wow. you have a desk??
ReplyDeleteI have a rocking chair in the corner of my living room. ;)
and my room was decorated with various Native American art and such through my teens.. I devoured books on the subject.. my favorite tribe to study? Lakota.
you scare me sometimes. ;)
lol word.
ReplyDeleteI will not show my desk...yet. It needs 'work' shall we say. I can say there are a lot of books around it. And two swing arm lamps.
ReplyDeleteFor rose water, maybe try a Middle Eastern or an Indian grocery.
Cute figurines! :)
Thanks for doing the Desk Tag! Your desk looks cool and fun. Your chair looks comfy too.
ReplyDeleteOh yes....I can't believe I forgot to mention the chair....it is the most comfortable chair ever. My husband got it for me for Xmas this past year. It's a Manager's chair! It's supposed to be designed to let you sit up to 6 hours straight lol
ReplyDeleteMy desk? The corner of the couch.. Just me and my laptop.. Husband and daughter have taken over the desktop/printer/etc.. :)