Well, it's a good thing I did, because after I cracked it open into the pan, I noticed, I was getting two birds with one egg. I other words, I was eating what might have been twins.

I try not to think about eating chicken embryos when I make eggs, (technically in my mind, they are still only just zygotes), because they are so delicious and relatively good for you. However, I am not a big fan of JUMBO LARGE eggs because that is just too much development that I am eating. I know I know, I eat steak....but this is different. It's way too intimate when it hasn't even got eyes yet. I suppose it could be worse. I could eat Balut (don't click if you have a weak stomach), those nearly fully grown embryos almost ready to hatch, then pickled and eaten as a delicacy in Phillipines, Vietnam, China, etc.
Anyway...well I ate it up and tried not to think about it too much. Heh.
We eat a ridiculous amount of chicken embryos in this house.. mmmm..
ReplyDeleteThe yum factor is pretty high. That's what counts.
ReplyDeleteHey!! Enjoy!! Back home, getting double yolked eggs are considered good luck!! :):)
ReplyDeleteEwww!!! Gross!!!
ReplyDeleteDumbass me clicked!!!!
I have no idea how I found you, maybe Cat, or irish Gumbo, but anyway, I am following. You are funny. and the Barak pictures are my favorite!
ReplyDeleteDoh! just me beat me to it. Aside from good luck, if you rotate the picture, it looks like a bizarre face :)
ReplyDeleteNot that I know it all, but for some reason I know eggs... no embryos in the modern egg you get from the grocery store as they have not been fertilized. No little roster swimmies got to it so not even a zygot. Jumbo eggs are just bigger, from bigger chickens I always assume. So unless when you crack it into the pan there is a little tiny speck of blood inside you are zygot/embryo free.